Source code for notify.views

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, \
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.utils.http import is_safe_url
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from .models import Notification, Response
from .utils import render_notification

# TODO: Convert function-based views to Class-based views.

[docs]def notification_redirect(request, ctx): """ Helper to handle HTTP response after an action is performed on notification :param request: HTTP request context of the notification :param ctx: context to be returned when a AJAX call is made. :returns: Either JSON for AJAX or redirects to the calculated next page. """ if request.is_ajax(): return JsonResponse(ctx, status=ctx.get('status', 500)) else: next_page = request.POST.get('next', reverse('notifications:all')) if not ctx['success']: return HttpResponseBadRequest(ctx['msg']) if is_safe_url(next_page): return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('notifications:all'))
[docs]@login_required def notifications(request): """ Returns a rendered page of all notifications for the logged-in user. Uses ``notification.nf_type`` as the template for individual notification. Each notification type is expected to have a render template at ``notifications/includes/NOTIFICATION_TYPE.html``. :param request: HTTP request context. :return: Rendered notification list page. """ notification_list = return render(request, 'notifications/all.html', {'notifications': notification_list})
[docs]@login_required @require_POST def mark(request): """ Handles marking of individual notifications as read or unread. Takes ``notification id`` and mark ``action`` as POST data. :param request: HTTP request context. :returns: Response to mark action of supplied notification ID. """ notification_id = request.POST.get('id', None) action = request.POST.get('action', None) success = True if notification_id: try: notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_id, recipient=request.user) if action == 'read': status = notification.mark_as_read() msg = _("Marked as read") elif action == 'unread': status = notification.mark_as_unread() msg = _("Marked as unread") else: success = False msg = _("Invalid mark action.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST except Notification.DoesNotExist: success = False msg = _("Notification does not exists.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST else: success = False msg = _("Invalid Notification ID") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ctx = {'msg': msg, 'success': success, 'action': action, 'status': status} return notification_redirect(request, ctx)
[docs]@login_required @require_POST def mark_read(request): """ Handles marking of individual notifications as read. Takes ``notification id`` as POST data. :param request: HTTP request context. :returns: Response to mark action of supplied notification ID. """ notification_id = request.POST.get('id', None) success = False if notification_id: try: notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_id, recipient=request.user) status = notification.mark_as_read() msg = _("Marked as read") except Notification.DoesNotExist: success = False msg = _("Notification does not exists.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST else: success = False msg = _("Invalid Notification ID") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ctx = {'msg': msg, 'success': success, 'status': status} return notification_redirect(request, ctx)
[docs]@login_required @require_POST def mark_unread(request): """ Handles marking of individual notifications as read. Takes ``notification id`` as POST data. :param request: HTTP request context. :returns: Response to mark action of supplied notification ID. """ notification_id = request.POST.get('id', None) success = False if notification_id: try: notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_id, recipient=request.user) status = notification.mark_as_unread() msg = _("Marked as unread") except Notification.DoesNotExist: success = False msg = _("Notification does not exists.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST else: success = False msg = _("Invalid Notification ID") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ctx = {'msg': msg, 'success': success, 'status': status} return notification_redirect(request, ctx)
[docs]@login_required @require_POST def mark_all(request): """ Marks notifications as either read or unread depending of POST parameters. Takes ``action`` as POST data, it can either be ``read`` or ``unread``. :param request: HTTP Request context. :return: Response to mark_all action. """ action = request.POST.get('action', None) success = True if action == 'read': responses = request.user.notifications.read_all() status = Response.HTTP_200_OK msg = _("Marked all notifications as read") elif action == 'unread': responses = request.user.notifications.unread_all() status = Response.HTTP_200_OK msg = _("Marked all notifications as unread") else: msg = _("Invalid mark action") success = False status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST responses = [] ctx = {'msg': msg, 'success': success, 'action': action, 'status': status, 'responses': responses} return notification_redirect(request, ctx)
[docs]@login_required @require_POST def delete(request): """ Deletes notification of supplied notification ID. Depending on project settings, if ``NOTIFICATIONS_SOFT_DELETE`` is set to ``False``, the notifications will be deleted from DB. If not, a soft delete will be performed. By default, notifications are deleted softly. :param request: HTTP request context. :return: Response to delete action on supplied notification ID. """ notification_id = request.POST.get('id', None) success = True read = 0 if notification_id: try: notification = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_id, recipient=request.user) soft_delete = getattr(settings, 'NOTIFY_SOFT_DELETE', True) if == False: read = 1 if soft_delete: notification.deleted = True status = Response.HTTP_200_OK else: notification.delete() status = Response.HTTP_200_OK msg = _("Deleted notification successfully") except Notification.DoesNotExist: success = False msg = _("Notification does not exists.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST else: success = False msg = _("Invalid Notification ID") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ctx = {'msg': msg, 'success': success, 'status': status, 'read': read} return notification_redirect(request, ctx)
[docs]@login_required def notification_update(request): """ Handles live updating of notifications, follows ajax-polling approach. Read more: Required URL parameters: ``flag``. Explanation: - The ``flag`` parameter carries the last notification ID \ received by the user's browser. - This ``flag`` is most likely to be generated by using \ a simple JS/JQuery DOM. Just grab the first element of \ the notification list. - The element will have a ``data-id`` attribute set to the \ corresponding notification. - We'll use it's value as the flag parameter. - The view treats the ``last notification flag`` as a model \ ```filter()`` and fetches all notifications greater than \ the flag for the user. - Then the a JSON data is prepared with all necessary \ details such as, ``verb``, ``actor``, ``target`` and their \ URL etc. The foreignkey are serialized as their \ default ``__str__`` value. - Everything will be HTML escaped by django's ``escape()``. - Since these notification sent will only serve temporarily \ on the notification box and will be generated fresh \ using a whole template, to avoid client-side notification \ generation using the JSON data, the JSON data will also \ contain a rendered HTML string so that you can easily \ do a JQuery ``$yourNotificationBox.prepend()`` on the \ rendered html string of the notification. - The template used is expected to be different than the \ template used in full page notification as the css \ and some other elements are highly likely to be \ different than the full page notification list. \ - The template used will be the ``notification type`` of the \ notification suffixed ``_box.html``. So, if your \ notification type is ``comment_reply``, the template \ will be ``comment_reply_box.html``. - This template will be stored in ``notifications/includes/`` \ of your template directory. - That makes: ``notifications/includes/comment_reply_box.html`` - The rest is self-explanatory. :param request: HTTP request context. :return: Notification updates (if any) in JSON format. """ flag = request.GET.get('flag', None) target = request.GET.get('target', 'box') last_notification = int(flag) if flag.isdigit() else None if last_notification: new_notifications = request.user.notifications.filter( id__gt=last_notification).active().prefetch() msg = _("Notifications successfully retrieved.") \ if new_notifications else _("No new notifications.") notification_list = [] for nf in new_notifications: notification = nf.as_json() notification_list.append(notification) notification['html'] = render_notification( nf, render_target=target, **notification) ctx = { "retrieved": len(new_notifications), "unread_count": request.user.notifications.unread().count(), "notifications": notification_list, "success": True, "msg": msg, "status": Response.HTTP_200_OK, } return JsonResponse(ctx) else: msg = _("Notification flag not sent.") status = Response.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ctx = {"success": False, "msg": msg, 'status': status} return JsonResponse(ctx)
[docs]@login_required def read_and_redirect(request, notification_id): """ Marks the supplied notification as read and then redirects to the supplied URL from the ``next`` URL parameter. **IMPORTANT**: This is CSRF - unsafe method. Only use it if its okay for you to mark notifications \ as read without a robust check. :param request: HTTP request context. :param notification_id: ID of the notification to be marked a read. :returns: Redirect response to a valid target url. """ notification_page = reverse('notifications:all') next_page = request.GET.get('next', notification_page) if is_safe_url(next_page): target = next_page else: target = notification_page try: user_nf = request.user.notifications.get(pk=notification_id) if not user_nf.mark_as_read() except Notification.DoesNotExist: pass return HttpResponseRedirect(target)